How to Install phpMyAdmin on Everleap

  1. Download the .zip file from the phpMyAdmin site.

  2. Extract the contents of the .zip file.

  3. Edit the file called and change this line from:
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
    Where ## represents the server number of the MySQL server your database is hosted on.  To find this information, log into the Everleap Control Panel and go to Databases -> Shared/Private MySQL -> Manage link next to database name.  In the same file, add this line:
    $cfg['TempDir'] = '../../tmp';
    Right after this one:
    $cfg['SaveDir'] = '';
    This is to prevent an error about writing to a cache file.  It’s because if you try to make the temp folder /site/wwwroot/tmp, it won’t save the file because the filepath name is too long.

    Save the file and rename it to
  4. Create a .user.ini file with at least the following settings:
    session.save_handler = files
    And place it in your root (i.e. /site/wwwroot) directory.
  5. Upload the files to the Everleap server using an FTP client like FileZilla and place it either in the root directory (i.e. /site/wwwroot/phpMyAdmin) or a sub-directory (e.g. /site/wwwroot/sub/phpMyAdmin).  If you place it in a sub-directory, make sure you modify the temp directory above as follows:
    $cfg['TempDir'] = '../../../tmp';
    Adding an extra parent path (../) to the string.
  6. Make sure PHP is enabled through the Everleap Control Panel by clicking on Sites -> Manage link next to domain name -> Settings.  Select the latest version of PHP in the drop-down menu under PHP and click on the Update General Settings button.

  7. Launch phpMyAdmin by entering your primary domain name or secondary URL we provide you in a browser.  For example:

    If you uploaded phpMyAdmin to a sub-directory, then append the sub-directory name to the URL:
  8. Enter your database login credentials to start using phpMyAdmin,