Reviewing and updating PHP settings

PHP settings are reviewed and updated by uploading the two corresponding files to a hosted site.  To view the current PHP settings, a phpinfo script.  To make changes to those settings, a .user.ini settings file.
phpinfo is used to display the current PHP configuration for the site / server.  Specific parameters can be passed to customize the output or to display all information the following syntax can be used:
The syntax would be added to a PHP file, uploaded to the site and viewed in a browser.  An example script can also be found in the .zip in the Sample section below.
A site's PHP settings can be adjusted by creating a .user.ini file, adding the appropriate syntax (see Sample), then uploading that file to the document root of the site via FTP.
An example of a common update is the post_max_size and upload_max_filesize settings, often changed to allow plugin and theme uploads through WordPress.
For PHP 7.0, the settings default to 8 MB and 2 MB, respectively, which can lead to some upload errors within WordPress.  To increase those settings, for example to 60 MB, create a new text document with the following syntax:
post_max_size = 60M
upload_max_filesize = 60M
Once the .user.ini has been uploaded, to see the setting updates reflected on the site, first recycle the application pool at Everleap Control Panel > Sites > Manage (if multi-site) > Recycle.
Once recycled, the new Local Value should be reflected when reviewing a phpinfo script.
For an example phpinfo script and .user.ini file, download