Assign or Remove Licenses from Office 365 Users

To assign or remove a license from your Office 365 user(s), log into the Office 365 Portal ( with your admin user credentials.
Navigate to the Admin center (
Click Users Active users
Any previously assigned licenses will be listed under Status.  To update the license for an individual user, check the box next to the applicable user.  Select multiple users or use the Display Namecheckbox to update more than one user at a time.
Single user
Check the box next to the applicable user, then Edit the Product Licenses.
Active licenses and the available number of licenses out of the total purchased will be displayed.  Toggle the licenses On or Off to assign or remove any available licenses and Save.
Bulk action
Select the checkbox of two or more users then select Edit product licenses from the Bulk actions pane.
Select Replace existing product license assignments to change or remove licenses from existing users.  Or select Add to existing product license assignments to assign a new license to existing users.