PHP error logging

When a php error occurs, a blank page is displayed rather than the error being displayed in the browser. This is the default php behavior for security reasons.
While the errors are not displayed in the browser, they are logged under: \LogFiles\php_errors.log
Here are instructions for a couple of typical configuration changes that may be helpful while you are developing or troubleshooting.
Configure PHP to display error to the browser
During development, you may want to configure PHP to display errors to the browser.
  • Create a text file in the website root named: .user.ini
  • Add the following line to the file:
    • display_errors=On
  • Restart your application in Control Panel
Configure PHP to not log error in the log file
The error log can get quite large if there’s known issue with the application. Though we don't recommended it, you can disable error logging.
  • Create a text file in the website root named: .user.ini
  • Add the following line to the file:
    • log_errors=Off
  • Restart your application in Control Panel