How to install nopCommerce on

These instructions apply to nopCommerce 3.30 and later. nopCommerce will currently only run properly on one Cloud Server (it cannot be load balanced between multiple servers, though they are working on a multi-server version). If your site is running on multiple servers, switch to a single server instance before installing nopCommerce.
 1. Downloading nopCommerce


2. Once you have established an FTP connection

  • If you wish to install in the root of your account, upload the extracted files into the /site/wwwroot directory.
  • If you wish to install in a subdirectory, upload the files to the /site/wwwroot/SubdirectoryName directory.


3. Creating the required MS SQL Database

4.  nopCommerce setup wizard
  • Go to the nopCommerce installation in a web browser.
  • Enter your "Store Information" and make note of the admin user email and password. You will need this later to log in nopCommerce as the administrator.
  • Create sample data: use this option if you want the installer to create sample products.
  • Database information: elect "Use SQL Server (or SQL Express) database."
  • Leave "Create database if it doesn't exist" unchecked.
  • Select "Use SQL connection values."
  • SQL Server name: is the database server URL for the database you created above. Example:
  • Database name: is the database name you selected when you created the database. Example: DB_0000_Name.
  • Select "Use SQL Server account."
  • SQL Username: is the database username. Example: DB_0000_Name_user.
  • SQL Password: is the database password.
  • Leave "Specify custom SQL Server Collation" unchecked.
  • Click the "Install" button.


When you see your new store, installation is complete.